



Jul 26, 2024

Jul 26, 2024

Jul 26, 2024

Still stuck with your branding?

Don't be.

Don't be.

Jorge Medina

stuck with personal branding

If you’re here, you want to get started with your branding.

Why haven’t you?

I can probably guess why.

I’ve been there.

Personal branding taps into a special kind of vulnerable spot, because you’re publicly declaring to the world

  • who you are

  • what you do

  • & what you want

But the fear of judgement, of being seen as an impostor, of being labeled a sellout… is terrifying.

I get it.

I’ve felt it.

It’s human.

But overcoming this fear is one of the most powerful things you can do to set yourself apart and build a professional life that is truly aligned with what you really want and enjoy doing.

Whether you aspire to build your own business or you want to build a career in a corporation, a strong and intentional personal brand will be your best asset to do so.

  • 70% of hiring managers say that a strong personal brand is more important than a strong resume.

  • 60% of consumers are more likely to do business with a company or individual with a strong brand.

Again, if you are still here, chances are you already know this and you’re just trapped in overthinking hell due to the fears I mentioned.

You are stuck in a loop of endlessly considering how to approach branding but never getting started because you can’t figure out how to do it “the right way”.

Well, guess what; THERE’S NO RIGHT WAY 🤷‍♂️

A personal brand is a living thing.

Just like you are.

It will evolve over time.

So there’s no point in “perfectly” planning how it will sound, look, and feel because it will change.

And it’s one of those things that you have to start doing to really know how it feels and what works for you and your audience.

I’m pretty confident on my personal branding now. But it’s the result of an iterative process.

From the way it looks to the way I talk, my brand evolved as I did. Getting more comfortable sharing my voice and ideas, and aligning in a way that feels the most authentic to me while resonating with my audience.

Looking back at early versions of my brand I cringe a little.

I will probably cringe a bit about how I am doing it right now in a few months.

But that’s precisely the point.

We can’t ever get better at something we don’t practice.

And your personal brand is no different.

Are you ready to get started?

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