



Apr 20, 2024

Apr 20, 2024

Apr 20, 2024

How to change your email signature in Spark

Jorge Medina

How to change your email signature in Spark

Step 1: Go to Spark signature settings

  1. In the top left corner click on “Spark” then click on “Settings”.

  2. In the new window, click on “Signatures”.

How to change your email signature in Spark

Step 2: Add and customize a new signature

We recommend having a visually impacting signature that will increase your chances of being remembered. If you don’t have one, you can create yours in 2 minutes using easybranding.io.

  1. Click on the “+” button to create a new one.

  2. Click on the options and then “Attach image”

  3. Select your visual signature.

  4. Select the default email the signature is for.

  5. Close the window.

How to change your email signature in Spark

Step 3: Test your new email signature

  1. Click on “New message”.

  2. Check that your email signature shows up and everything is alright.

How to change your email signature in Spark

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